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Introduction to Microsoft SCCM 2012

SCCM(System Center Configuration Manager) is Microsoft's software product to manage endpoints(Desktops,Laptops,Tablet,MobilePhones etc.) and widely use by companies from mid size to large enterprises.

Introduction to Microsoft Intune

Intune is Microsoft's MDM(Mobile Device Management) product and its a part of EMS(Enterprise Mobility Suite). Intune can be used as standalone or integrated with SCCM to manage mobile devices.

Introduction to Windows Powershell

Windows Powershell is Microsof't scripting environment comes with Microsoft Operating system. It is widely used scripting language to perform different kind of automation in Windows OS instlaled machines.

Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server is Microsoft Database and widely used a database server in Windows OS installed servers.As a SCCM specialiast, one must know about SQL server from querying database to administration.

Introduction to Windows 10

Windows 10 is Microsoft's latest client operating system and more advance than its previous versions like 8.1,8 and 7. Microsoft introduced lots of features in Windows 10.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Count of File Created Date Wise - PowerShell

Below Powershell command is must have during your troubleshooting in SCCM site server file backlog like DDR, RDR or state message backlog. Below Powershell command will give your output of count of file created based on date against any file location.

Get-ChildItem "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\auth\\regreq" | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Group-Object {$_.CreationTime.ToShortDateString()} -NoElement.

Location of file can be anything based on your requirement. 

Hope this will help you. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

How to identify SQL Server job owner

I was trying to remove a user from SQL Server database box but while trying to remove the user, I got below error:

Now in order to identify where the user has create a SQL Server job, you can run below query to get the job details owned by the user. Here we go:

Select Name from msdb.dbo.sysjobs
WHERE owner_sid IN 
FROM MASTER.sys.syslogins
WHERE Name = 'kirankr'

Once you get the job details, you have to remove the maintenance plan of that job from SQL Server Management Studio > Server Node > Management > Maintenance Plans > Get the plan name> Right click it > Delete . After successful removal of dependent job, you can delete the user from the database.Hope you like this post. If yes, do comment and share the post to those who needs it.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

How to Get Collection Folder Location in SCCM

Your manager rushes to you and asks you to identify the Folder location of a culprit collection. You goes to SCCM console and search for it either with name or collection ID. You get the half detail but your manager asked for folder location and you scratches your head because from console you cant identify the folder location of that collection.

Dont worry!! running below query, you can get the folder detail quickly. Here we go:

Open SQL Server Management Studio > Access SCCM Database(preferably CAS) > New query > Run below query 

select c.SiteID as 'Collection ID',c.CollectionName,f.Name 
as 'Folder Name', f.FolderPath from vCollections c
inner join FolderMembers fm on fm.InstanceKey=c.SiteID
inner join folders f on f.ContainerNodeID=fm.ContainerNodeID

Output looks like below:

Friday, January 11, 2019

How to corrupt or malfunction WMI manually

During general troubleshooting or SCCM(System Center Configuration Manager) troubleshooting at client side, we may need to intentionally corrupt or malfunction WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation). However its not recommended to modify/malfunction WMI.

As we know that WMI is heart of OS(Operating System) as well as of SCCM. If it gets corrupted, we need to fix it in order to run OS and depended application smoothly. WMI uses the Common Information Model (CIM) industry standard to represent systems, applications, networks, devices, and other managed components. CIM is developed and maintained by the Distributed Management Task Force(DMTF).

We can corrupt WMI by removing a namespace. CIMv2 is not of the critical namespace of WMI. So, it can delete it, we will get success to corrupt WMI. We can use below Powershell command to delete CIMv2 in order to corrupt WMI.

Get-WmiObject -computername localhost  -query "Select * From __Namespace Where Name='CIMV2'" -Namespace "root" | Remove-WmiObject

Hope, this helps those who are looking for intentional corruption of WMI.