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Introduction to Microsoft SCCM 2012

SCCM(System Center Configuration Manager) is Microsoft's software product to manage endpoints(Desktops,Laptops,Tablet,MobilePhones etc.) and widely use by companies from mid size to large enterprises.

Introduction to Microsoft Intune

Intune is Microsoft's MDM(Mobile Device Management) product and its a part of EMS(Enterprise Mobility Suite). Intune can be used as standalone or integrated with SCCM to manage mobile devices.

Introduction to Windows Powershell

Windows Powershell is Microsof't scripting environment comes with Microsoft Operating system. It is widely used scripting language to perform different kind of automation in Windows OS instlaled machines.

Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server is Microsoft Database and widely used a database server in Windows OS installed servers.As a SCCM specialiast, one must know about SQL server from querying database to administration.

Introduction to Windows 10

Windows 10 is Microsoft's latest client operating system and more advance than its previous versions like 8.1,8 and 7. Microsoft introduced lots of features in Windows 10.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

What is SKPSWI.DAT file?

SCCM Admins would have seen file called SKPSWI.DAT file in locations either at Server side or at Client side.

SKPSWI.DAT is used to prevent Software Inventory against a location where it is placed.Full form of SKPSWI is Skip(SKP)SoftWare(SW)Inventory(I).

If you have gone through the SCCM client cache folder called 'ccmcache' (located at %windir%\ccmcache), you would have seen the file SKPSWI.DAT. What is the reason of placing the file in cache folder? CCMCACHE folder is the folder used to store all incoming files deploy against a client. So to prevent software inventory to process the inventory againt the cache folder to avoid 'false positive report', the SKPSWI.DAT file is intentionally placed in CCMCACHE folder.

However you can place the SKPSWI.DAT file in a location intentionally if you dont want SW Inventory(SWI) to happed against that location. For example, if you want to prevent SW inventory against entire 'Windows' folder, then place the file inside 'Windows' folder.

How to create SKPSWI.DAT file.

1. Open Notepad and create an empty file named SKPSWI.DAT.
2. Right click the dat file, go to properties and select 'Hidden' check box.

Thats it. Now you can place this file in a location where you dont want SWI to happen.