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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Bug in SCCM 1606

While updating the SCCM 1606 with hotfixes(KB3186654 and KB3202796), I experienced an issue. Latest SCCM 1606 hotfixes appeared in the SCCM console and I initiated download. Initially it showed 'downloading' but it remained keep in same state in next day also.

I started checking why still shows the state as 'downloading' just for a hotfix. I checked dmpdowloader.log and found error Failed to call Initialize. error = [error code: -2147467261, error message: Invalid pointer]. Finally I check the SMS_DMP_DOWNLOADER component and found that it is stopped. I tried to start it but failed. 

While digging more on this issue, I found that the SMS_DMP_Connector registry key was removed automatically. I cross checked in a test lab where SCCM 1606 as well as its hotfixes are not installed and found that registry key SMS_DMP_Connector(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\SMS_DMP_CONNECTOR) is intact with values ProxyUserName and ProxyUserPassword. I recreated SMS_DMP_CONNECTOR key in my problematic server and created both the values i.e. ProxyUserName and ProxyUserPassword(kept the value empty). 

Thats it !! Issue is solved. I experienced that the SMS_DMP_CONNECTOR key must present in the SCCM server where Service Connection Point(SCP) is configured. 

I think this is a SCCM 1606 bug and I hope the Microsoft SCCM developer team will fix it permanently. 

Hope you like this blog post. Happy reading !!


  1. I was facing the exact same issue, thank you very much for sharing your solution!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
