Since Microsoft added Powershell as integral part of System Center Configuration Manager, SCCM admin has now option to use Powershell to apply automation. As a part of this automation, I will show you how to disable a SCCM software update deployment using Powershell command.
With below Powershell script(three lines of code), you can automate software update deployment status. Create a .PS1 file from below and run it(on demand or make a schedule task to run it as per requirement).
Import-Module "D:\Program Files\Microsoft ConfigurationManager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
Set-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment -SoftwareUpdateGroupName Mar18-2012R2 -DeploymentName Mar18-2012R2 -Enable 0
Please note below:
1) Location of SCCM installation may vary. In my case it was D drive. So please change location as per your requirement to get the .psd1 file.
2) CD CST: - CST is site code of my CAS site. It may be different in your case. Please change it as per your requirement
3) Set-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment -SoftwareUpdateGroupName <name of your target SUG> -DeploymentName <name of you target deployment > -Enable 0
Enable > 0 means to turn off and 1 means to turn on the deployment.
Go back to console and you will find that your target software update deployment has been disabled.
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